Monday, May 19, 2014

Zom-B Gladiator by Darren Shan

Gladiator is the sixth book in the Zom-B series. If you go check out my review of Zom-B Baby there will be links to the other book reviews.

B knows what she wants to do, now. Fighting for the good side, for as long as she can. The zombies are everywhere and among them are mercenaries who have no sense of right or wrong. They lay a trap and B is taken. It will take just about everything that B has, to get out somewhat alive.

After putting down the last book I wasn't too sure if I wanted to read Gladiator right away or not. I decided to read the last book I did a review on, and afterwards I was ready to read this book. Now, I wished I had read this book right after Zom-B Baby, because Shan is in my 'good list' again. At first I was a little skeptical, because it seemed like this was going to be another filler book for the series. At about a third of the way into the book, things heat up. For the rest of the book it is nothing but constant problems arising for B and I kept reading until there was nothing left to read. B knows where she stands with the Angels, she doesn't want to get close with anyone and so she almost completely separates herself from them. They understand but they want her to know that they got her back no matter what. *SPOILER-ALERT* It takes for them to break her out of her battle to the death with zombies for her to realize that they need each other, but she gets there. *SPOILER-ENDED* I loved this book a lot, and I love that you can't forget about characters from past books because they come back. I love that the name of this book practically gives away everything that happens, in a sense, but unless you know what goes on you might not get the hint. This book redeems itself for the last book because there is a decent amount of action and suspense packed into it.

There are still some things that I wasn't too happy about. Now there are a few other enemies on the loose, how in the world are the Angels going to be able to defend themselves and survivors with all of them? It almost feels like there are too many enemies now, and I don't necessarily not like this, I just wonder if this series is going to end well because of it. I almost worry about the coming books because there is so much that could happen and I wonder if it is going to be too much at once, or not enough, like a couple of the other books. I also didn't like that this book ended on a "To be continued" note (like every single one of the books before it), because I wanted more, more annoying than an actual negative about the book. I also don't like the pompous asshats that take B and use her for sport to entertain themselves. It almost makes you think that if a zombie apocalypse where to take place, if people like them, or not like them, would do something like this to the surviving humans?

Shan has put himself in good graces with me after reading Gladiator. I am unsure about the rest of the series and what is to come, but I will continue to read the books (unless something happens and Shan completely puts me off of this series). I'd say the actual dislikes of this book to actual loves, the loves comes out as bigger and better. I still recommend this series to anyone and everyone who wants to read it, maybe you will love every book and that is perfectly okay. I am still at the point where I don't know if I want the whole series or just the books that I liked more.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Page Count: 160 pages (hardcover)

Price: $15

Next Book: Fear: 13 Stories of Suspense and Horror Edited by R.L. Stine

Thank you for reading!

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