Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Fangs for Nothing by Erin McCarthy and Kathy Love

The second and final book in the Erin McCarthy and Kathy Love duology, Fangs for Nothing is a continuation of the last book. You can read that review here. I am very sorry if there is a less amount of book reviews going up this month, life is chaotic right now. I will try to get up as many as I can though, and this review won't be that long, if you keep reading you will find out why. Thank you for sticking around!

You would hope that you never get drugged in your life, but when it happens twice to Johnny Malone and his friends, something is seriously messed up. Things where going as good as they could at Saxons wedding. That is until the next morning when they realized that things didn't go as well as they wanted it to. They were robbed, Saxons Dominatrix wife's dress is missing, and Saxon is missing too. Johnny is handcuffed to Lizette, who is from the Vampire Alliance and dealing with his "death". Josie saves Drake from a sex swing, and she could be the thief, or the group of drag queen all dressed like Cher. All that's left to do is find out!

Same as last time, they lose their memory only this time there are civilians tagged along in the memory lapse. There were a lot of common likes from the last book to this one. I laughed a little more in this one though. I did like that things were not completely the same as the last book. Lizette is my favorite character, because she is so used to being by the rules that it takes a wild and crazy night to show her that things don't need to be too straight laced. I can relate to Lizette on a number of occasions, which makes understanding her that much easier. I also like that the characters where the same, we are introduced to two new characters and they are just as quirky as the rest of the gang. This was a quicker read than the last one, but still a good book

I do have some things to complain about though. Dancing Vagrant wasn't in the book but his parrot was, thankfully. I do understand the plot of the book and the whole memory loss. But things where so similar to the last book that I almost didn't want to read straight through. I knew who had done what, and who hooked up with who. This book was pretty much a repeat of the last book, just a few changes. There could have been a good change of things with keeping the memory loss as the center focus, but I don't not like the book because of this.

If I hadn't of liked Fangs for Nothing as much as I do, I would have given it a much lower rating. That being said, I probably won't reread this book in its entirety for a while. I recommend this regardless, and I do want to own it. Pretty much everything that I liked from The Fangover can be said about this one. Once again I am so sorry about not having a lot of book reviews this month, I am hoping once some of the craziness dies down to get more up.

Rating: lower 4 out of 5.

Page Count: 297 pages (paperback)

Price: $15

Thanks for reading!

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