Sunday, June 21, 2015

The End Games by T. Michael Martin

Sorry there was no post for last week but it was nothing but finals for me and lots of last minute online work so I didn't really get to read. BUT here is the review! As far as I can tell this is the first book for Martin, and I couldn't tell what it was about when I picked it up. So I went to and as soon as I saw the word zombies I proceeded to keep it with me. I don't know if Martin has any other books planned, but if he does I think I will be checking them out.

Michael and his five-year old brother Patrick have stayed alive through following the instructions of the Game Master. The Bellows are nasty creatures that can tear someone apart if they are not careful to stay away from them. By night the brothers fight them, by day they salvage around to stay alive. Unfortunately that might not be for too long. The others in The Game don't follow the rules, and the Bellows are mutating even more.

The past couple of reviews I have done weren't that well liked by me, however The End Games earns a thumbs up from me. I'm not very hard to please (sometimes). Martin really got my attention with the differences of the "normal" zombies compared to his Bellow-zombies. I really enjoyed that they weren't the typical zombies that we see in movies, TV and read about. With a zombie book you expect there to be some sort of action, and there was in this. All throughout the book things were happening and I couldn't wait to read what was coming next. Along with that the descriptions of things like Cady, and what was happening really made me enjoy this book more. Things weren't too descriptive but descriptive enough for me to really get into what was happening. As for characters I really enjoyed, Patrick by far was my favorite. I don't know why other than I think little kids are awesome. I did enjoy that a main reoccurring theme was sibling love, even when it is hard to love the sibling. I think through growing up and being a tween and teenager siblings forget that they should be nice to their other brothers and sisters. Yes you won't always get along but don't forget that they might not always be there, so love them while you can.

The only dislike I have is character development. For Bonnie, and Hank I can understand why they didn't get the development, but for Holly I was disappointed. I felt that Holly was disconnected with the book. She was a character there for the plot and to get Michael and Patrick through. Martin tried to make her a bigger part of the book but for me it really didn't work.

Despite the lack of character development, I do recommend this book to everyone. Readers young and "old" could find something that they like about The End Games. I was drawn into the book and kept in and I really enjoyed that. For Martin's first book I will say he did a very good job. I can see myself rereading this book later on and possibly owning it. I do enjoy zombie books and I appreciate the twist with this one. It shakes up the normal stereotype and that is another reason why I recommend it.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Page Count: 369 pages (hardcover)

Price: $17.99

Next: May and June Book Haul

Thanks for reading!

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