New York City doesn't know that there is a troll under their Brooklyn bridge, a boggle in Central Park and a vampire in the Upper East Side. Most humans don't realize what is going on around them, Cal does but he's only half human. The lovely father of Cal, his heritage is that worthy of nightmares. On top of that him and his otherworldly race are after Cal. Cal doesn't stick around anywhere long enough to find out why though. Niko, his half brother, and Cal for four years have been able to keep ahead of them, until now. Now they are about to find out exactly what Cal is wanted for. Hell on Earth, is just a metaphor for what Cal is going to be used for.
For this being Thurman's first book in 2006, it wasn't bad. It was really nice not reading a romance novel, and switching things up for a bit. I really enjoyed the sibling love throughout the book. Especially since not all half-siblings have the best relationships. I also really liked that Niko took his education seriously, to know more about your enemies and how to kill them is a good thing. Speaking of enemies, Cal has a lot of them being half Auphe (elf), and because of this there was a lot of action. I have had a problem with a lot of books not having enough action and this book definitely sated my action thirst. I loved that there where a lot of mythological creatures and not all of them are beautiful either. Some authors try to beautify mythological creatures (I don't have a problem with this) but not all of them are. I also loved that Puck was a character pulled into the book, if you do not know who Puck is look him up. I also liked the plot even if I did forget it with the first 100 pages.
The first 100 pages of the book where a bit of a bore. I forgot what Niko and Cal where after many times and eventually I quit trying to go back and read what it was. At one point in time I was about to put the book down but I was going to wait till about the 150 page mark before I did that. Thankfully before then the book really picked up. I also found that whereas I normally get engulfed with a book, this did not happen this time around. I could easily put the book down and do something else. I could have easily started another book and just forgotten about this one. Though because of this I ended up skimming over a good amount of the book. I read the parts that where important and skipped over that which wasn't.
I don't know if I would exactly call this an "adult" novel. I could definitely see this as a transition between young adult and adult, it meets a perfect middle ground. It wasn't bad by far but there was quite a few things I didn't like. Most revolving around when there wasn't action there wasn't anything, and when there was action it was good. I do want to read the second book, I am looking forward to what it holds, though it's not that high of a priority to read right this second. I recommend this book to all ages, not just "adult", and if you like fantasy, go for it. As of right now it remains to be seen if I would want to own this book.
Rating: 3 out of 5.
Page Count: 339 pages (paperback)
Price: $7.99
Next book: Touch the Dark by Karen Chance
Thank you for reading!
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