Varen is still gone in the dreamworld, Isobel is in the real world where she is experiencing very real nightmares and visions. Her only hope comes from a grave in Baltimore, where Edgar Allen Poe is buried. On the morning of his birthday a mysterious person visits the grave, he is known as the "Poe Toaster". Whomever it is, they know how to get to the other world, and Isobel needs their help. Unfortunately there are other hurtles she must get over before she can get to him. Varen's being torn in two, toward an evil so powerful and also by Isobel. Though by time she gets to him, he is no longer the same Varen she knows.
Poe! Again, like the last book I loved that Poe's work was incorporated. I am a huge fan of Poe and as of thus far I do not think Creagh did a bad job with his work. I would've liked to have seen more, but this book was more about Isobel trying to figure out how to get to Varen, and get him back into the real world. I really loved the suspense leading up to Poe's birthdate in the first part of the book. I also liked the aspect of the dream world being more in the book. I like the features of that world and how things mirror the real, but at the same time changes within seconds. I did love two characters in particular, Gwen and Danny. Gwen because without her being sassy and sarcastic I don't think I would have read the book in it's entirety. Danny made me smile he knew something was wrong, didn't know how to approach it, but still made it known that he loved his sister. People don't think that kids understand what is going on around them, but some really do.
If you're looking for Varen to be in the book, well I have bad news for you. He really isn't at all. The ending is an excellent draw in for the final book however, if you are like me and wanted to get some action from Varen, you'll be disappointed. In general I was disappointed with the last half of the book. Things were built up to and I was expecting something so much more than the little stint in the other world. By time the ending of the book came I was left with the feeling of "that's it? That's all that this lead up to?" It was more of Isobel hemming and hawing until Poe's birthday. I definitely think that if I wouldn't have waited so long to read Enshadowed I would have seen a lot more of the book as dull. Dare I hint that this had Middle Book Syndrome...? I will highly unhappy if the final book is like this one, and everything built up to and then not properly executed.
I'm glad I didn't get to read this book right after the last one because I would have been more disappointed in the book. I definitely wouldn't rush out and buy this book, I want the first book more than this one. I hope that the last book is a lot better, I'm going to try and get to it a little quickly but I don't think I will be able to because I work a lot this week, and I am already reading another book. I still recommend this to people of all ages, even those who are on the younger side and like big books.
Rating: low 4 out of 5
Page Count: 429 pages (hardcover)
Price: $17.99
Next Book: Peeps by Scott Westerfeld
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