Friday, March 7, 2014

Want to get to know me? Read this first!

Obviously I am going to be reviewing books. I'm female, my name is Jade, I love to read, and I have over 1,000 books, which is growing to this day. I used to have a different blog name, so if you think you are reading some of the same reviews you probably read it off of the last one I had. I deleted the last one because I didn't like the name of it for what I will be doing. I also have a Tumblr where I post the same exact reviews just to make it a little more convenient for those who don't like this blog setup but do like Tumblr (link: ). This will be the one blog I use from here on out on blogger for book reviews.

Don't be discouraged if I have not posted anything in a while. I do have college classes I attend and a life that needs up keep in some form. I attend college full time, so reading isn't something I can do everyday (which makes me very sad!). Just be patient with me please. I will try to post once I have finished a book but I may not have time then and there to type it up, but I will get to it. I will try to say what book I will be reading and reviewing next. Be sure to check the last book review I have posted because the next book to be reviewed may change, it's not often but it does happen. I also have a job that takes up a great deal of time on top of college.

I like feedback, so go ahead and give me some, BUT do NOT comment things that are not productive. I will ignore them. Examples include "Follow me plz" or, "You're stupid" or, "I can't believe you read this! You are as bad as the rest of the world." I will not respond. You want me to follow your blog? Participate. I want to know what you thought on the books as well. I am not an expert when it comes to grammar or punctuation, but I will do my best to have them both correct.

I am open to suggestions on books, but I have a list of books that I want to read so if it takes me a while to get to the book that you suggested I am sorry.

I will try to remember to put *SPOILER-ALERT* by anything that I think may be a spoiler and then end it with *SPOILER-ENDED*. At the end of each post I will put the following things; " Rate, Page Count, Price and Next Book". The price I take from the back of every book, if there isn't one I will put "???" after Price. I will also put what I paid after the price that is on the book. As for the "Next Book" if I have one I will put it. If I end up not finishing a book I will still create a blog for it but I will say why I did not finish it. This is how I like to do reviews, I am sorry if you do not like it but you do not have to read them if you don't want to.

If I ever fill up the full 5 GB that I am allotted here.....yeah we will talk about that when it comes :D

For anyone looking to reach out to me for business related things, is a great way to get a hold of me.

Thank you for reading first ;)

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