Mia had life pretty much good. She has an amazingly supportive family, she's talented and smart. Then it all changes with a simple freak accident. Now she has to decide if she wants to stay or move on with her life. The hardest choice she had to make before was moving away and perusing her passion for music or staying with her boyfriend. This new choice isn't that simple, nor going to be easy to make.
This is a pretty small book I finished it relatively quickly. Had I of been able to sit down and read this nonstop I think I would have finished it in less than a day. I don't want to spoil anything so I will try to keep my likes pretty vague (as usual). I laughed a few times and when I did, I giggled about it even afterwards. Like when Mia and Kim got into a fight. Speaking of Kim, I really enjoyed her message of "family doesn't always mean related to you by blood". Way too many people think this and get disillusioned when their blood-family doesn't end up being there for them. Though I can understand why Mia would think this, her family was so close that facing the reality of possibly spending the rest of her life without them would be saddening. I liked reading about that closeness, it's not often that you see a family that close in real life. I also liked the simplicity of the story. It wasn't full of twists, turns, and hints about what's to come and all the rest.
As for things I didn't like, one is how simple the story was. Everyone swore that they cried and couldn't believe that they were so deeply moved. I wasn't. *SPOILER-ALERT* I knew that everyone was going to have to die for Mia to be faced with the choice of living or moving on.*SPOILER-ENDED* Not just one or two people but all. I didn't cry, I've lost friends to tragic things like illnesses, car crashes, and suicide. After a while you are just content to read and know that it isn't real. Also I don't see where the hype from this book came from. I see how it can be moving for some people really, and the story was nice but other than that it was just 'okay' to me. But that ending! How could you Forman! A dreaded cliffhanger!!!
Even with everything that I didn't like I still recommend this book to those that are younger. I definitely feel as though they would get more out of the story than those of us who have already experienced loss. I don't know when I will be reading the second book. I'm not in a rush to read it, just like I am not in a rush to own this book. If I find it for a good price, I'll take it. I wan to do a book to movie comparison but I don't know how I would do it. If it happens you guys will now.
Rating: eh, 4 out of 5.
Page Count: 196 pages (hardcover)
Price: $16.99
Next Book: Oblivion by Kelly Creagh
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