Delia just got bequeathed a "house". It's more like a mansion, though, that was a correction facility for women a long time ago. Her so-many-great-grandpa used to run the place but it was shut down once the women that were sent there quit getting better, and deaths started to occur. The correction facility was more like an asylum, none of the girls left once placed into its care. The house wants to keep the troubled in even after it was shut down. Delia gets trapped, and that's when she learns that the house is still very much alive. Ghosts are all over the place but you can't see them until something happens, and none of the ghosts can leave or move on. Nothing like spending eternity in a asylum, huh?
There was ghostly action! This is what I was looking for with Diary of a Haunting, but I know that these are two separate books. Hysteria starts off with a bang and I was wondering if things would continue to be good through the rest of the book. It was for the most part. I like that time moves differently when you are not human. Again, I love that the point of sibling love was made. You don't know how long you are going to have with your family or anyone and you shouldn't take things for granted. I was kept interested for the most part. I did like the ending, it felt right.
It took Delia half of the book to piece everything together though, but I almost knew right away how things were going to end up. This was the biggest thing that bugged me too. Things got a little dull because she couldn't see what was right in front of her face. Granted most people don't. It didn't really make me want to stop reading but I did want to skip ahead. I did see the end coming, Florence didn't trick me one bit! I would have been more surprised if it was someone else.
Overall I really did like this book, I didn't love it though. It isn't scary, so if that's what you are looking for you will have to look somewhere else. I do think everyone could like this book definitely young adults. Alender did a very good job and I would like to read more from her. I don't think another book will be coming out because of how the book ended but you never know. I don't exactly want to own this book, I know I could live without it.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Page Count: 329 pages (hardcover)
Price: $18.99
Next Book: Sweet Seduction by Maya Banks
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