Friday, March 7, 2014

Ask For It by Sylvia Day

This is the first book in the Georgian series. I am not sure if I will be able to review any more of this series, because my library only has this book, and no stores close by me have any of the others on shelf. Though if I am able I will grab the second book in the series and do a review.

Elizabeth jilted Marcus years ago while engaged and now with her husband murdered by highway robbery, she is back and he is taunting. Her late husband, Marcus, and others work for a secret society almost like our modern day FBI. Set in 1770, we are taken to a past without modern medicine or advanced technology.

I love Elizabeth, she is a spitfire. She is confident until it comes to Marcus, obviously. Ask For It was interesting and I couldn't put it down. Day wrote this very well and I wouldn't mind picking up a few other books by her. Normally I do not get into anything that isn't either present based, or future based. Though with this book I really liked the way that it flowed. I didn't get bored with anything. I knew what small events were going to happen-which I don't mind because they are small and if they didn't happen things in the book wouldn't make sense. With a title like Ask For It, and the summary given on the back, I almost thought that this would be a little more racier then it was, but compared to some other novels that some might have read, this wasn't as sex filled as I expected. Which again isn't bad, there was more space for the plot. I also loved the twists, just when I thought I knew who the bad guy was, something came into play and then I suspected someone else. *SPOILER-ALERT* Then when you finally know that the guy that is the head of the secret service that Marcus works for is the bad guy, you kind of suspected but at the same time doubted it until it was reveled. *SPOILER-ENDED*

With only reading the summary on the back and nothing more, readers have a slight clue as to what the plot is about. When actually reading the book the plot is almost completely different. Readers no nothing about Elizabeth's late husband, how and why Marcus comes back into the picture, and a few other things. All you know from reading the back is that Elizabeth jilted Marcus, went to another guy, is now back and Marcus is ready to jump her bones still. That's it. So from reading the back, and the title, and then beginning to read you get two different pictures. I was a little upset about this because, it is almost a false lead until you start reading. Another thing that I didn't like was that all the action took place within about 20 pages, and it was very quick. Everything else was detailed just enough, and then the main problem is quick and done. I wanted more action to happen then.

Despite the summary, and the actual content I did enjoy reading this book. I would have loved a little more in the summary department though. If this book and another book I wanted to buy were up for sale side by side with the same price I would probably go for the other book. I am not saying that I wouldn't buy this book I am saying that I would buy it when I wanted a good past plotted book.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Page Count: 311 pages (including a little snippet from Passion for the Game, A Passion for Him, and Don't Tempt Me all books from the Georgian series)

Price: $15 (paperback)

Next Book: Sucker Bet by Erin McCarthy

Thanks for reading!

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