Friday, March 7, 2014

Days of Blood & Starlight by Laini Taylor

So! Here is the second book review for the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor. There is a third book coming out called Dreams of Gods & Monsters in April 2014, around the 8th (please don't shoot the messenger if the release date is moved, thanks!). I will try to get that as soon as I can but who knows when that will be. I do have a review up of the first book in the series, go check it out if you would like. I hope you enjoy! Happy holidays!

Karou now knows everything about herself. Good and bad. The love that she trusted, killed everything that was apart of her. And now they sit apart from each other, as a war comes back to life after being dormant for so long. As the time draws near, Karou is working hard to rebuild her peoples numbers and must decide what to do about Avika and the coming changes.Things aren't getting easier for Karou or Avika but they keep fighting and coming up with new strategies, but will there come a point when they are done?

This isn't a happy, cheery, all smiles book. This is the calm before the storm in the next book, but it isn't that calm though. I love that though Karou and Avika aren't together in this book (like I mentioned in a different review) it really doesn't follow the writing stereotype. They aren't together because Avika *SPOILER-ALERT* is the reason why Brimstone and everyone else that Karou loved is dead. *SPOILER-ENDED* He didn't know that Karou was Madrigal in the life before, until they broke the wishing bone and he knew for sure. It's safe to say that he feels horrible about it though. I love how this time around it's not the girl trying to get the guy back, it's actually Avika trying to get Karou back and by any means necessary, even if it means letting her go. I love that Karou shows that even when surrounded by creatures that could kill her in seconds, that she will never back down. She really grows as a character in this book, even with everything that happens to her. I don't want to give away any of the good things though! Zuzanna is an amazing friend as usual, and I think that really helps Karou to be strong. I really couldn't put this book down, I wanted to read it from front to back but thanks to the holidays I couldn't. Something new for this book that I liked was that the readers are not just given Karou and Avika's story, there are a few others that we get to read and follow for a bit. From the first chapter to the last, this book had action going, being either in your face or subtly creeping out of the shadows and staring at you. I love that the readers get to see into the lives of the Chimaera and the Angels, and see that neither is very pretty at all.

When I picked up this series I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be too happy of a series, but it does have its moments. However this book didn't have many at all. For this being a trilogy, this second book was more of a back story leading up to the next book. It did stay on the plot, but I really just wanted to know what happened to Karou and Avika the most, not all of the other characters that Taylor had put in, though I did enjoy reading about them. And just like I loved reading this book, I didn't want to read what was going to come next. This isn't a happy book like I said, but it isn't a terrible book, it's really far from it. I just wished it lead up to this next book in a different way. As for characters the White Wolf is on my sh!t list for all of eternity, along with Ten, and a few others.

As a whole I loved this book, there were a few things that I did not like. But I wouldn't want them changed, I would just tweak them a bit. I do know that I still feel the same about wanting to own this trilogy if I had the money and knew who was selling them. I do recommend these books to everyone who wants something different to read. These are located in the "Teen" section of my library but I know that "adults" would enjoy them as well.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Page Count: 517 pages, including acknowledgments.

Price: $18.99 (hardcover), I paid $5.97 at Meijer.

Next Book: Fury by Alexander Gordon Smith

Happy holidays and thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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