Friday, March 7, 2014

Claimed by the Wolf by Charlene Teglia

I don't really know how to review this book. So I will try and do my best. This blog entry might be another short one.

Claimed by the Wolf is not what it seems. Sybil is an apprentice witch that opens a doorway on accident. These five men who are known as the Shadow Guardian's must help Sybil from destroying the world. But the way that they must help her is nothing expected, for Sybil or the reader.

If anyone thought 50 Shades was bad, in my opinion this book is worse. And by bad I mean too "raunchy". Claimed by the Wolf has more sex in between it's covers then 50 Shades did. When I picked up this book I expected some good action in the means of demons fighting shape shifters. There is very little of that. The whole book is purely sex-based. *SPOILER-ALERT* Sybil has to have sex with each of the five men, for one day and one night each. 9 times out of 10 you get all the details of what is happening. If I remember correctly there are only about 5 times (if that) where Teglia cuts off the sex scene. *SPOILER-ENDED* Don't get me wrong I don't mind a book that has sex in it, but like I said I was not expecting that.

There is more sex, then there is actually a plot. Though it is needed for the small plot, when the sex is done there is roughly 30 pages left and sex is still squeezed in a few times. The action that doesn't include sex, is at most 25 pages long. I would have loved less sex, and more action. *SPOILER-ALERT* If you like what 50 Shades had going on there is a domineering elf in here that is into those things, though he doesn't get a big part. *SPOILER-ENDED*

This was an alright book that had me a little confused about whether it was going to be more of a porn book, or a porn book. I loved the characters, but would have loved them more if I could have gotten to know them more then what they are like in bed for Sybil. Would I buy this book? If I had the money and there was another book that I saw that I wanted, I would go for the other book that I wanted.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5.

Page Count: 292 pages.

Price: $13.99 (paperback)

Next Book: Bloody Valentine by Melissa de la Cruz.

Thanks for reading!

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