Monday, May 12, 2014

Zom-B Baby by Darren Shan

This is the fifth book in the Zom-B series, I do have reviews up for the past four books (Zom-B, Underground, City, Angels). I do have the next book Gladiator, which either that review or a different one will be going up next. I do know that there are nine books already confirmed in the Zom-B series and depending on my mood, I should do a review for them. This review is going to be a little different from my others and you will see it once you start reading. I hope you all enjoy!

Being with the Angles for the past few months has been pretty awesome for B. They want to rid the evil dead from Earth, starting with what is around them. Though their mission isn't as simple as that. It is quite complicated, and B isn't sure that she wants to be apart of it all. So after a little pep talk she decides to go to the streets in London and find out whether or not she wants to believe in the mission and be apart of it. Along the way, nothing is easy and B finds herself in immense horror.

I didn't know what to expect with this book. These books are not very long, only a little over 150 pages, so what needs to happen needs to happen and pretty quickly. Things really went till last minute to get where they needed to go, which left the rest of the book pretty dry. I did get drawn in at first but once B left the Angles, the wondering and questioning tapered off. I almost wanted to put the book down, and not finish it. I just didn't really care to know what happened in the rest of the book, I knew that I could read Gladiator and know the little details that came from this book. I know I normally complain about what I didn't like after I say what I like about the book but I wanted this to be upfront. I assume that I am not alone with feeling the slight disappointment after finishing Baby, it was almost like another filler book for the series. I have said that about one of the other books and it makes the series as a whole less appealing to me.

I did like some things though. As usual Shan's attention to detail was amazing and I loved the Baby itself. It's creepy but not as creepy as Mr. Dowling, who makes no appearance in this story. I love how the Baby was the exact one that had haunted B's dreams before she became a revitalized. The painter, Timothy comes back for a short while, and I did like him from the first time he was introduced. Though that happiness of Timothy being back was short lived. I love how Shan doesn't stick with the usual "bad guy" stereo type. Rage shows some emotions this time around and really makes the reader look at him in a different light. Now, if Rage being emotionally is foreboding trouble from him, I got that loud and clear.

There were more things that I didn't like with this book, than I did like. I am just wondering what Shan is trying to get at with Mr. Dowling, Owl Man, Rage, B, the Baby, Dr. Oystein, and everything else. Even with how this book went I do recommend it to those who want a little more relaxed zombie book. There is only one big zombie eating scene. This series up till now has had it's ups and downs since I began to read. It is marked as a "Teen" book but adults could read this and get a kick from it as well. I own the first book and I really want to see how the series plays out before I decide whether or not I want to get the whole series or just the books I like.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Page Count: 160 pages (hardcover)

Price: $15

Next Book: Either Zom-B Glatiator by Darren Shan or The Scot, the Witch and the Wardrobe by Annette Blair.

Thank you so much for reading!

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