Sunday, May 3, 2015

March & April Book Haul

The last day of April didn't fall on Sunday but I figured I would put this one up anyways. It is going to be a smaller book haul compared to some of my other ones. Here's a funny little story (at least funny to me) for the past week when anyone asked me what month came before April I would say May. I would completely forget about the month of March, I wouldn't even put it in May's place either. Even when I typed up the title for this I first typed "May & April Book Haul" only to stop and stare at it for a few minutes not realizing why it was bugging me. Can you tell college has my brain on the fritz?

For the month of March I got 5 books.

The first book is a signed copy of Lucky Midas by Kate Palmer. I don't quite remember where exactly I entered to win this book, but I do believe it was a Facebook giveaway. It's less than 100 pages and most definitely for younger readers but it is still a cute little read.

I received another signed book but this time it is from John J. Hohn and it is his book As I Was Passing By. It is a collection of poems written by him. I have read a few now and I really enjoyed them. I won this book through another bloggers giveaway.

The next book I got is a ARC of Gena Showalter's The Closer You Come. It is the first book of her Original Heartbreakers series, the second book is not set to come out until August of this year. I won this book through a Goodreads* giveaway.

Long before I started this blog, I had already read Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I was able to get Infinity, because I joined her rewards club on her Official Sanctuary website. Once I had enough points I turned them in for it. This is the first book in Kenyon's Chronicles of Nick series, I do have a few of the other books but not all of them.

The last book I got in the month of March is an ebook called Paydown by Nick Stephenson. Anyone who entered the giveaway he was hosting in March received this book and I think a couple of others. Paydown is a novella that is a prequel to Stephenson's Leopold Blake series.

I only got 4 books in April though I was expecting another to come along. Hopefully before this goes up it will come if not, that's okay with me.

The first book I got is Easy Target by Jenny Hillborne. It is the sequel to No Alibi. I also won this book through a Goodreads* giveaway.

This second book my Mom actually picked out at our library's little book buying section. It is a large print edition of Dark Peril by Christine Feehan. It is the twenty-first book in her Carpathian series, and there are twenty-five books in that series to be!

This next book I picked out from my library and it is Dead Sea by Brian Keene. I don't think this is part of a series or anything that I can find. It is about a zombie apocalypse and I couldn't refrain from picking it up.

For this last book I actually got it on the last day of April. It is called Don't Close Your Eyes by Lisa McMann. Before an fans of hers freak out, no this is not a new book. All this is is the Wake trilogy all put into one. I couldn't justify spending $5-$10 on each book when they are on the smaller side, especially the last book (to me). For this huge thing a total of $8.24 was spent at my Meijer. I do have Wake, Fade, and Gone reviewed and if you click their names you can go and read my reviews.

That's it for this book review, I hope you enjoyed! If you see any books you have read tell me what you think about them.

Next Book review: The Cemetery Boys by Heather Brewer

Thanks for reading!

*Note: I received these books through a Goodreads First Reads giveaway, but in no other way am I being sponsored to make a review on them or even talk about them. I may get to a review of them quickly, I may not. It all depends on what I feel like reading.

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